Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Birthday Adventure

Monday, January 29, 2007
Birthday wish list???
18x DVD rw drive from Neva tech (next door to micro center) 39.95
Any of the samurai 7 DVDs from best buy in Dearborn on ford road – 19.95
Oh those are in the huge collector boxes.
Need for speed carbon for the Pc – price unknown
A 120 - 250GB hard drive – price unknown I believe pretty expensive too but a Maxtor with the 16mb cashe would be nice
Copy of WOW burning crusade – price unknown
A good cute nice girl friend with cat ears- probably expensive
1 billion dollars – price …. 1 billion dollars
Broken laptop that’s possibly fixable (preferably IBM ThinkPad series t30 to T42)- Price unknown
A hug (girls only) – Price free
Evangelion platinum DVD #5 in the slip cases – 19.95 ummmm good luck
Fred Perry “Gold digger” comic books (any issue from #68 up) – price 2.65 and issue
Ford svt polo shirt XL size – village ford parts dealership price unknown
thanks to sgt sherm for some of the great ideas!!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Irritable please excuse me if i seem snappy
Saturday, January 13, 2007
The Organ Grinder

Well today I decided to start on the other part of my new years resolution which was to practice the organ and at least try to become decent. I don’t expect to become like the man in one day but you wont believe how much you suck after you stop doing something for over 10 years. I can’t remember most of my stuff from piano so im going to have to pretty much start over. Hey but I figure in about 20 years I should pe pretty good. I need a Leslie speaker for it and since it’s a model CV Hammond I need to get a percussion unit installed. Well slowly but surely I will get that done. Since I play by ear mostly and I read music slowly I need it to sound as closely to what everyone else is playing. So I guess I will always have something to do when I get home instead of napping as usual. If you think the organ bench looks a little weird, yeah it does. I had to make it out of some oak boards because it didint come with a bench and i couldn't believe that a new one is over $600. So wanting to be a fabricator anyway i drew up a design using pictures of real benches and it came out pretty good. I guess necessity is the mother of invention after all.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Possible new job!
Possible new job! Yay me!! I’m hoping that this place will pick me up not only will I be making more but I will have actual health insurance! I have just been so tired lately that I haven’t been posting. I haven’t even been playing World of Warcraft and I’m still paying for it. I just got too tired of doing the same battle ground over and over. Is it me or does it seem like every one is having a baby? Most of my female friends are either pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Am I missing something? Did I miss a memo of where I was supposed to go forth and multiply? I think one of me is enough for the world, I just don’t think the general populace could handle another me. Well back to the job. I will still be working at my current job just for gas money (lord knows with the prices these days it’s a wallet eater) and only work there 1 day a week but its not bad cause it’s a 10 hour shift. I just hope I get to drive something sweet. I will miss working at my current job though the people were nice and the work was light. Well onwards and upwards.