Wednesday, April 11, 2007

All over the place

A nice house from Marine city

The ferry in Algonac

A sign from Memphis
Board walk on the Huron River

Well i haven't been writing lately because if extreme writers block. I would get in some kind of good convo and when i want to blog about it i cant because I'm at work. But by the time i get off work and go to school and then home, that idea is looooooong gone. Well anyway i started taking my camera with me to work so i can take pictures of strange or interesting stuff i can find while on the road. There is lots of stuff i see that i have to wonder what the heck is that. And there are some really nice houses that are way out there. Like the 30,000 square foot house that's in Romeo Michigan, talk about huge. But i have to wonder where in the world do these people work? Some of the houses are so far out in like farm land i know that they cant be farmers. Do they just make the extreme commute to the city? I cant really talk i used to drive 89 miles 1 way to Tecumseh, MI when i worked for the state, but theses people have to drive further that that. With the up coming gas price hike i will be looking for a 4 cylinder car to cruise in because if gas hits $3.00 a gallon i wont be able to afford the small commute to work that i do. Hey Exxon/Mobil can you front me a couple gallons till next winter?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Random Wed.

  • As usual I sit in my car while waiting to go to class so i usually take a nap. Well it was pretty windy today so the car was rocking with the wind. I was dozing nicely when all of a sudden I hear a loud bump and my car rock harder than normal. I lean forward in my seat and raise my hat from over my eyes and look to the left and right. Apparently a young girl had let her door go and the wind smashed it into my door. Well I'm not driving the most nicest car in the world and my bumper is a little dented from where some other lady slid into the back of me, but i didn't even get an I'm sorry. Nope she slams her door looks over wit ha frightened look on her face starts the car and speeds off. Love those young drivers.

  • I cant seem to get rid of the cough left over from my lung infection its to the point that its annoying and if i move around too much i cough a lot. Good side..... coughing gives you abs.

  • I talked to my ex-girlfriend about our friend ship turns out she just doesn't have time when she comes back to talk or call. That's why i never know when shes here. Guess I'm the only one who can remain friends with an ex and not hate them according to the local census.

More to come later time for bed