Yes those have been sitting there for a month.
Well I'm back in Detroit and cant say I'm not happy! long bus ride that i slept through was 8 hours but thanks to a no bus switching ticket i got to sleep in my seat and not have to move or risk loosing my beloved window seat. Pretty much it took around 9 1/2 hours because of some unexpected stops to get people off that were on the wrong bus but what did i care i was snoozing. As i horribly found out on the day i left i had to clean out the refrigerator of all perishable stuff in case we for some reason don't come back. This lead to a cook fest for me to get rid of all the meat i had in there and everything else that could spoil. This seems majorly stupid if i don't come back and things start to rot hell my room mates should toss it out. But i guess that would be saying too much because that pile of dishes in the picture has been there for over a month. I moved them out of the sink because all the trash that comes from washing dished got underneath and started to rot and clog the sink so i tossed them on the side. I'm not doing their dished cause I'm not a maid so they have to take care of their own stuff. I keep my room super clean and i always do my dishes cause i know it i let it get all jacked up everyone would complain and i know have been complaining about those dishes.
I finally figured out why i could never find my way back to the bus stop in Pittsburgh. Turns out that the bus station is actually a temporary bus station and no one ever decided to update the website or anything else that marked where the bus station was. Not only that but the streets in Pittsburgh are kind of crazy! The street is 2nd street that the station is on but it actually runs underneath a street called Ave of Allies. So the GPS cannot tell you that the street is precisely under a bridge that is another street. Strange is all i can say.