Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Merry christmas
Sorry for the lack of posts ill be back to everyother day next week now that the nightmare of school is over for a min. Tune in for more of the missing adventures and even an extream test of my patience i went through.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Out Cold Remix
Man I guess I need to ease back or something. Maybe I need a vacation? Maybe I need to go on a cruise? I need to do something cause my comments on my friends relationships has been kind of harsh lately. I have sort of adapted a what ever attitude toward anything that just seems stupid. Like telling someone to do something and they didn't do it next thing you know its broke ( keeping it vague) so instead of my saying awwww that's too bad I'm like dude I told you ages ago. A friend of mine didn't heed my warning on her myspace and I'm like hmmm why didn't you listen (the vandals had a ball with the page)? I guess that's the source of my attitude maybe its cause no one is listening when I'm trying to tell them something good. Maybe I'll adjust my volume next time.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Physics time complete

I need a team like this....
Wow its been a while. I have been missing because of my physics class project. After my "partners" left me and built their own trebuchet I was either going to let them grad me on what I contributed (nothing) or build my own. Well I built it and boy did I build it. I changed designs 5 time and the end result was the best. It ended up being too big to fit in my jeep so I ended up strapping it to the top which gets you lots of looks driving down the freeway. When I took it off the top half the class came over to study it. I have to say it was one of the best looking ones out there and one of the farthest shooting ones there. I will post a pic later but first I have to give Props to my friend David. With out all his wood working tools and a place to actually build it, it wouldn't have been completed. You the man Dave. But now that that's over I can finally get some rest and sleep too. Heh just remember I have play practice at church tomorrow... no rest for the wicked eh?
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Pre Turkey Day Fabrication
Hey sorry not many posts I'm still working on the trebuchet and its coming along ok. IM shooting for a test firing Saturday but I still don't know. I have run into a lot of unforeseen problems but I'm working them out. Like I wasn't going to be able to freeze the axle and I need to reduce the size so it can fit in the bearing. Well I don't have a lathe so out comes the grinder and I just rotated the axle until it fit. I went a little far but its no so small that it will cause a problem. I did make one mistake on the arm I drilled a hole out bigger than I needed and it is making the counter weight a little wobbly but I can still manage that. I still have to make a few more things, drill the axle for the bearing holders, mount the axle, make a trigger, make a tie down string and make a pouch for the tennis ball we will be throwing. That's not much to do its all pretty simple.
I love this time of year because instead of going outside and smelling smog, you can go outside and smell food. I'm not kidding when I walk down the block all I smell is cake and what seems to be sweet potatoes. I just gotta clean up my room before company comes over I got parts and screws and stuff everywhere. Well off to clean for me have a happy turkey day.
I love this time of year because instead of going outside and smelling smog, you can go outside and smell food. I'm not kidding when I walk down the block all I smell is cake and what seems to be sweet potatoes. I just gotta clean up my room before company comes over I got parts and screws and stuff everywhere. Well off to clean for me have a happy turkey day.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Random Friday
Well I did post since last Friday but I retracted my statements because I was not fully informed. Anyways not much been going on. Battling in physics and I do believe I will have one of the best tribuche at the physics competition. Most are going to be made out of wood boards glues together, Mine is equipped with an aluminum arm to save weight and rolls on double ball bearing roller bearings to cut down on friction. Yeah I'm going overboard but its fun and I need something to do and I like designing and making stuff. I think it will work and I'm hoping it will throw the tennis ball pretty far.
My myspace page sits idle. I still think that the most fun is actually making it. I photoshopped a background for it and tossed some colors on it and BAM one instant myspace page. But thing is I really cant find much else to do with it. I don't really have many pictures and not too much I would really change on it. Its best viewed in 1280 x 1024 so you can see the whole picture ( I have a 23" monitor breaking my desk that's why such a high resolution).
I have come to realize I have too many hobbies. I play cards, I'm trying to learn to play the organ for church, work on cars, collect DVD's, build and modify computers, repair computers, and I'm sure some other ones I just forgot. Man I need to pick a few and go with those.
So yeah today sort of random and ill get back to posting more often I got a lot of stuff on my mind but I just have to sort out how I want to write it. Stay tuned its sure to get interesting.
My myspace page sits idle. I still think that the most fun is actually making it. I photoshopped a background for it and tossed some colors on it and BAM one instant myspace page. But thing is I really cant find much else to do with it. I don't really have many pictures and not too much I would really change on it. Its best viewed in 1280 x 1024 so you can see the whole picture ( I have a 23" monitor breaking my desk that's why such a high resolution).
I have come to realize I have too many hobbies. I play cards, I'm trying to learn to play the organ for church, work on cars, collect DVD's, build and modify computers, repair computers, and I'm sure some other ones I just forgot. Man I need to pick a few and go with those.
So yeah today sort of random and ill get back to posting more often I got a lot of stuff on my mind but I just have to sort out how I want to write it. Stay tuned its sure to get interesting.
Friday, November 10, 2006
What Type of Pokem.... err Soul Are You?
You Are a Prophet Soul |
You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone. Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people. Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run. No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way. You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle. Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings. A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning. You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer. Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul |
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Ugh so sleepy and must go to class I would fall asleep in my car but I don't think I will wake up in time for class. I usually sleep in the hallway in the chairs outside the room but people keep thinking I'm dead asking me am I alive (no I'm not joking) so I stopped that. What better way to stay awake at school than to blog!!! Ok well I'm sure there are more entertaining things to do but what the heck I got time. Hey how about that election though? Senate and House both democrats now I was amazed they pulled it off. But the killer was Rumsfeld (SP?) resigning.... And they say it has nothing to do with how the election went .... yeah ....right.
This weekend I will be building a tribuchet for physics class for a group project. Bad news my "partners" built their own so I will be doing my project alone. So what is there to do when you have to make your own group within a group? SMASH the other people and leave them looking sad when they loose!! So it will be Tom VS. Team Physics 2 weeks from now. I just need some camouflage contact paper so I can decorate it and write "Army of One" on it when I'm competing throwing the tennis ball. I am going to enjoy this .... MUHAHAHAHAH! Wish me luck.
This weekend I will be building a tribuchet for physics class for a group project. Bad news my "partners" built their own so I will be doing my project alone. So what is there to do when you have to make your own group within a group? SMASH the other people and leave them looking sad when they loose!! So it will be Tom VS. Team Physics 2 weeks from now. I just need some camouflage contact paper so I can decorate it and write "Army of One" on it when I'm competing throwing the tennis ball. I am going to enjoy this .... MUHAHAHAHAH! Wish me luck.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Make Your Mark
Yeah its election day time to get out there and pick who your going to let run your state and courts for the next 4 years. Yes I know its raining but VOTE ANYWAY!!! I managed to get a chance to vote during lunch at work which is a good thing because I didn't know if I was going to make it in time after coming from school. But one thing I wish we could vote on, road improvements. One really nice piece of stupidity is the new islands in the middle of Livernois near 8 mile. I'm not sure how far this horrendous piece of road design stretches because I refuse to drive on that street any more. The street was all ready too small and now its smaller and you cant turn where you need to. I want to see a plow truck try to turn in the holes that not ever a Geo Metro could turn easily in. I was praying the whole time I was swinging my extended cab f-150 around in on that I would not have to stop and back up to make it. Put that on the ballot please, and use a artist rendering of what its supposed to look like. I'm sure everyone would have squashed that and it would have saved the DOT some money. And heaven knows this state needs that.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Battle of The Baby Shower!

Went to the baby shower and well I can say it was pretty interesting. Kristen was right when she said you play a lot of games..... Which I lost. I don't get to watch too much TV so I failed at the "Name the TV Shows Kids" game. I don't know anything about babies so I failed at the "Baby Word Scramble" game (what the heck is colic anyway??) really badly. I failed at the "Baby Word Search" game just because I'm not good at timed word searches. Then there was the "Forbidden Word" game. That was was pretty interesting because you couldn't say certain words and if you did you had these toothpicks and you had to give one to who ever caught you once you were out of toothpicks you are out of the game. I lost that one only because I had to leave early because it was my sister b-day and I wanted to get there for that. But hey I can say I won one thing! I was the first person there so I won the door prize. HA! Take that ladies!!! But it was pretty interesting and it was fun too. No I don't plan on crashing everyone's baby shower. Oh yeah and for the record I wrapped the gifts in newspaper ... Felt more manly that way.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Fly Tom FLY!!!
Ok so I have been running all over the town doing errands since my jeep is down and I borrowed my parents truck. I thought well I better plan for weekend after next since my parents are renewing their vows next weekend and I wont be able to do much. So I grab my friends baby shower invitation and I check out what time its going to start when something catches my eye. Hmmmm that's strange it says November 4, 2006 ..... Isn't that today. Well yeah it is, and I cant believe it is today its my sisters b-day too so I'll have to run all over to go to both. So I picked up the drinks for my parents thing, got my sister a card, went shopping for gifts for the shower ( which is a blog ill post later ... I have no idea about this stuff), got my sister a cake made, came back did laundry, and am now taking a small break before running out again. Well I had a lawn to do today too but I wont get a chance so ill take care of that tomorrow. Well back to the grindstone stay tuned for the later blog entitled: "What is a breast pad..ECT" later folks.
Whats a Breast Pad???
Ok so I'm shopping for baby shower gifts and I'm looking through the baby isles. Not only am I lost people keep asking me questions and I absolutely have no clue. I wanted to get her something for her and something for the baby so I'm looking down the list. Breast pad is one of the things that was on there but I was like ok why do you want a wonder bra accessory for a baby shower? After asking around I found the correct use of the pad and yeah I feel stupid. But hey I have no experience with baby's. When I had to babysit my infant niece she always wore cloth diapers. Well I have no idea how to fold a diaper so lucky thing I had the internet. Nothing like looking at a screen and then looking at the baby and trying to fold the thing while she's kicking. I don't even like to hold babies they are just to wiggly and it feels like I'm going to either drop it or break it some how and you have to hold the head and stuff.... I wont even comment on the hand and arms poking from my sister stomach while she was carrying my niece. So if you ever ask me to hold your infant I think ill have to most gracefully decline....
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Lets get ready to rumble!!!!!
I was getting ready to brawl! Here I am napping when the phone rings and its the engine shop.
Shop Owner: "Your car needs a water pump and since we used your old one its not under warranty."
Me: " Umm ok now why didn't you replace it?" (still waking up)
SO: "You said you had one put on and we could use this one."
Me "Ummm no I didn't I said I put it on not too long ago."
SO " Well its not a part we replaced so its not under warranty. Sorry so we cant fix it."
Me "Well man I really need it but ok ...."
(interrupting me)
SO "Oh and it will be $65 for us looking at it"
Me "I'm sorry what did you say?" (waking up now and sitting up)
SO "Yeah its $65 for us looking under the hood. I mean we did check it out for you."
Me "Hold on you Grabbed onto the pulley and shook it for 3 seconds and that $65?"
SO " Yeah I have to pay my people too so its $65 either that or you can give us $256 to replace it"
Me "No way I can put it on myself for that price its a $45 part"
SO " Well its still $65 for us looking at it and .....
(me interrupting and getting up)
Me "I tell you what ill be there in a few mins ...(phone click from me slamming it down)"
Yeah really all the guy did when I dropped it off was shake the pulley. Nothing was taken off the car shoot I even opened the hood and showed him what's wrong! Just for the record I graduated from high school with straight A's in 4 years of auto shop and I'm studying to be a certified mechanic, fabricater and welder so I know what I'm talking about. I even told them what was wrong with the engine when I brought the car in! So long story short I go there and they are trying to close up but I get him to give me my car and he didn't charge me $65 because I was not a happy guy and I'm sure the look on my face was pure annoyance. But the thing is, I'm not mad they didn't fix it. I'm not mad they wanted to charge me to replace it. I'm mad someone didn't tell me to it was going to be $65 to shake a pulley for 3 seconds shoot I would have told them to go to h-e double hockey sticks and walked out. If I ever open my own shop and someone brings in something that is a no brainier to diagnose and even tells me what's wrong, I'm not going to charge them anything. If anything ill be passing them a cup of coffee for making my job easier.
Shop Owner: "Your car needs a water pump and since we used your old one its not under warranty."
Me: " Umm ok now why didn't you replace it?" (still waking up)
SO: "You said you had one put on and we could use this one."
Me "Ummm no I didn't I said I put it on not too long ago."
SO " Well its not a part we replaced so its not under warranty. Sorry so we cant fix it."
Me "Well man I really need it but ok ...."
(interrupting me)
SO "Oh and it will be $65 for us looking at it"
Me "I'm sorry what did you say?" (waking up now and sitting up)
SO "Yeah its $65 for us looking under the hood. I mean we did check it out for you."
Me "Hold on you Grabbed onto the pulley and shook it for 3 seconds and that $65?"
SO " Yeah I have to pay my people too so its $65 either that or you can give us $256 to replace it"
Me "No way I can put it on myself for that price its a $45 part"
SO " Well its still $65 for us looking at it and .....
(me interrupting and getting up)
Me "I tell you what ill be there in a few mins ...(phone click from me slamming it down)"
Yeah really all the guy did when I dropped it off was shake the pulley. Nothing was taken off the car shoot I even opened the hood and showed him what's wrong! Just for the record I graduated from high school with straight A's in 4 years of auto shop and I'm studying to be a certified mechanic, fabricater and welder so I know what I'm talking about. I even told them what was wrong with the engine when I brought the car in! So long story short I go there and they are trying to close up but I get him to give me my car and he didn't charge me $65 because I was not a happy guy and I'm sure the look on my face was pure annoyance. But the thing is, I'm not mad they didn't fix it. I'm not mad they wanted to charge me to replace it. I'm mad someone didn't tell me to it was going to be $65 to shake a pulley for 3 seconds shoot I would have told them to go to h-e double hockey sticks and walked out. If I ever open my own shop and someone brings in something that is a no brainier to diagnose and even tells me what's wrong, I'm not going to charge them anything. If anything ill be passing them a cup of coffee for making my job easier.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Slow weekend....ahhhhhhhh
Man I didn’t know it has been so long since I last bloged. Well a lot has been going on; my father had surgery on his hernia which turned out awesome it just took forever! We got there at 8 surgery was at 10 and was only supposed to be 2 hours but ended up ending at 3 pm. I guess they were making sure they put everything back right. So my father is resting comfortably and watching TV most of the day. Nothing too much been going on with me went to some clubs with my friend those were awesome I thought a girl was trying to get his number so I run off so he can have some “alone time” I come back and he alone. So I ask him how it went and he says that she just wanted to know if she could stand there next to him because some guy kept asking her for her phone number and following her. I guess he did the right thing by saying yeah but that still seems awkward. In these days and times I guess you can’t be too careful. I just did a lot of people watching and rocked to the music it was waaaaay to many people on the dance floor and with out someone to dance with it wouldn’t have been any fun anyway. Ah yes my jeep has died once again. Water pump this time but I think I caught the shop in a lie. On the receipt for the engine it says they put a water pump on it but there is no price I'm willing to bet that they used the old one off the old engine and stuck it back on there and charged me like it was new. Well jokes on them because I took it back this morning and was like fix this please. So I’m hoping I will get this back later today. Other than that nothing much has been up, pretty uneventful weekend but some times its better that way.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Quick Update
Its late and I'm sleepy so i will make this one quick. Going out of town tomorrow to help deliver some trucks! I think this is going to be lots of fun and I love going out of town. Also Crush update shes got a boyfriend just glad I found out before I even bothered to try to talk to her like that. Oh well back to square 1 and I think I will leave it like that for a while.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Baby shower?

Don’t let that happen to you
Got sent home early today but instead of sleeping I bowed into peer pressure and got a myspace page. Turns out I found a lot of old friends that I haven’t seen in a few years so hopefully ill get a chance to talk to them. Got an invitation to a baby shower to! Yeah I know what your saying baby showers are for ladies but this is a very long time friends of mine and she’s having a unisex baby shower. So for the first time I’ll have to figure out how in the world you use the baby registry at target, how to wrap something to look like a woman did it ( that means ill let someone else do it unless she wants something wrapped in comics from the Sunday paper) and actually try not to get riled up if man bashing happens. What is it exactly that you do at a babyshower anyway, well besides eat? I just hope I'm not the only male that shows up……on second thought….. that could be a good thing.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
1 out of 3 is that bad?
Zip, zero, nada, and nein yep that’s the total number of things that actually got completed this weekend. Yep had it allllllll mapped out and unfortunately nothing got completed. I have to credit myself none of this is my fault I did everything in my ability to get it done. I went to repair some computers since I do that for fun on the side and well they were pretty bad so I had to bring them back to my house. Unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to complete them due to another failure in a plan. I was supposed to move my mustang to an aunts house ( it wont be ready till next year) and pull my fathers parts car out the garage and put the real project car in. Well no one listened to me once again as I said “ Hey lets just get the car in the garage and the other one out and lets clean later.” Well no one paid attention to me and as the drive way got more and more cluttered with junk I became more and more frustrated. “You know we should have been done by now!” I exclaimed as I inhaled fertilizer from a broken bag that rolled off a shelf we didn’t need to move. “We need to get this car out and this one in!” Well everyone just kept pulling crap out not heeding my warnings and then once the side was clean and the whole driveway blocked the question was raised, “ok how do we get the car out?” I just looked around and was like “Don’t ask me I have no idea I told you we need to get this in, we won’t finish before dark, and I still need to tow the mustang to the other house.” So after everyone stood around and casually tried to pass the blame off on me which I promptly was having none of that nonsense and replied with my usual, “ I don’t know no one was listening.” We cleaned up the rest of the drive way and called it a day. So …. no car moved, no computers fixed, 1 mustang was moved. I just don’t think 1 out of 3 is all that good do you? Maybe next time someone will listen. Probably not……
Friday, October 20, 2006
Election time is coming up have you made your choice yet? The race is heated here for governor and boy is the mud flying. I was just pondering if someone came into a race for anything political and absolutely threw no mud, no my opponent did this back in 1908, no my opponent eats ramen noodles imported form Germany so he took jobs from china nonsense, would they win? I’m just wondering if someone who stated the facts only would win because he/she only stuck to what was going on in the here and now and not back in ’94. It would be interesting to see if someone ran a race that way would the public appreciate hearing what the candidate plans to do to fix what is going on here and now and not even bring up how someone was going to be blown away in 5 years. I know I would appreciate it because then the few commercials I did see would help me to make a better decision for what I want since I'm not at liberty to go searching much for facts on both candidates. With school and work and helping out here I don’t have time to really read up as much as I should. But I believe it would be in the interest of the candidates to make good use of the air time that they do buy to state their intentions for people like me who are on the go all the time. Just my 2 cents.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Crushing blow

Man I see why it is called a crush because it smashes you like a trash compactor shaping you into a small cube and then spitting you out. Just every so often I have break free from the compactor and stretch a bit. Its kind of silly thinking of someone that much and not saying anything but I guess my yahoo relationship type test says it all. So one miniite I’m walking along thinking man she’s a beautiful woman then if I interact with her too long I find myslf getting compressed. Nothing wrong with that but you cant let it distract you from what your doing and for me I gotta investigate a lot before I try to ask her out. So every so often I have clear the old hard drive and look at things fresh. What can I say I’m a machine. *insert Terminator theme here*
BigTomTom internal systems config ,,,,v1.3
C:/ SystemsCheck.exe
Please wait……………
Errors found: 3
Corrupt emotions registry…..
Infatuation beyond normal limits…..
Firewall disabled……
C:/ dir emotions
C:/Emotions/ delete.exe
Are you sure all data will be lost?
Deleting files 100%
C:/ reboot
Ahhhh much better man that was getting crucial nothing like clearing the memory and starting fresh. Back to business as usual. Have to keep that in check or else I can get a little carried away. What can i say.... I'm aquarius. lol
C:/ SystemsCheck.exe
Please wait……………
Errors found: 3
Corrupt emotions registry…..
Infatuation beyond normal limits…..
Firewall disabled……
C:/ dir emotions
C:/Emotions/ delete.exe
Are you sure all data will be lost?
Deleting files 100%
C:/ reboot
Ahhhh much better man that was getting crucial nothing like clearing the memory and starting fresh. Back to business as usual. Have to keep that in check or else I can get a little carried away. What can i say.... I'm aquarius. lol
EEEEEEK Im So Afraid!
Went to a “haunted house” tonight notice the quotation marks. Man I think I was going to go to sleep while walking through it. Now I know it’s supposed to be fake but come on it can be fake and scary to. It takes a lot to scare me so I knew I was going to casually stroll through but if I was scared all you could do is scream and take 3 steps to the next room. I need to make a haunted house, there is an old hospital for the criminally insane that’s abandoned down in Monroe I would have to use that and put in some pyrotechnics and I would at least need 100 volunteers to inhabit that place. Most importantly it has to have room to run! If they are scared where are they going to go when they are screaming? All I have to say is make sure you sign the waver before you come to my haunted house because someone isn’t going to make it out. MUHAHAHAHAHAH!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Low battery....
I can’t believe this it’s like hmmm the 3rd time its happened. I look at my cell phone and it beeping at me as usual… low battery. No problem I’ll just whip out my charger and….. wait …. where's my charger??? Then a flashback pops into my head of me unplugging the phone from the charger in the hotel but leaving it in the socket. Oh yeah way to go me leave the only way to charge my cell in another state. Well looks like charger shopping tomorrow … man too bad I cant afford that other cell yet. Well T-mobile here I come soon because I'm sick of this phone anyway. Besides its so broken I can’t even turn the volume up and down any more. Looks like ill have to advance my cell phone savings plan a bit.
Conference time complete!
Be it ever so humble there's no place like home! Finally back and boy was it a fun weekend! The turn out for the woman's Conference was pretty small so most of the time me and some friends ended up just acting crazy and hanging out. Ever want to have some fun? Download some "Game over" sounds from your favorite videogames and play them when your friends either do something stupid or strike out. One of my cousins wanted to "talk" to some girls over in a small corner of the room so I was trying to get him to go say something. Well he waited so long that they all ended up leaving walking right past him. So what else could I play off the phone but the Pac-Man sound when he's eaten by the ghost and the sad theme of the Price Is Right when you loose the showcase showdown or a mini game. I got a lot of time to ask women their opinion on some relationship issues but I didn't bother to mention the "he cant have zero partners" one. All in all it was a good weekend hotel room was "ok" it smelled like someone sprayed a bottle of fabreeze (sp?) in there and closed the door for a year but it was a very comfortable bed. I happened to run into the mother of a old friend of mine she gave me my friends newer number so now I can keep in touch by texting her so ill do that every so often. I just don't want to bug her too much as I have been known to over talk some times... Kind of like now.... Well anyway I typed this at school and I need to jet off to class, nothing like physics to bring your day down. But I will perhaps post some more stories form the weekend when I get home and some pics of us acting crazy if I get them from my friend.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Up In Flames
Well I have been working on a soundtrack for me a friend of mine suggested it. It’s a soundtrack that would describe me from a while back up till now so I have been putting that together cause it seemed like a cool idea. So I found an ending theme which I decided to use and its Joe Satriani’s “up in flames”. Well that’s a fitting title because right after I got the CD I went to check on the old shop I was looking to buy form the city and guess what? Well it appears to have gone “up in flames” a few days ago. Apparently someone was I guess sleeping in it since it was abandoned and well I guess it was cold so they started a campfire….. indoors…. So that building is pretty much shot since its now a smoldering pile of bricks.
On a good note going out of town tomorrow, so if anyone actually does check in on this blog, just to let you know I will be gone till Sunday and I will post on what I’m sure to be a colorful weekend when I get back.
Ah want to hear the ending theme? Here’s Joe playing “up in flames” live which is personally one of my favorite songs by him.
Stay safe out there folks and have a good weekend. GO TIGERS!!
On a good note going out of town tomorrow, so if anyone actually does check in on this blog, just to let you know I will be gone till Sunday and I will post on what I’m sure to be a colorful weekend when I get back.
Ah want to hear the ending theme? Here’s Joe playing “up in flames” live which is personally one of my favorite songs by him.
Stay safe out there folks and have a good weekend. GO TIGERS!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Je ne comprend pas!!
Ok I know I said I had enough of commenting on the love and dating stuff, but man while listening to the radio I happened to hear some lunacy i’m confused about. Ok so while cruising in the test truck today I tune into a local radio show asking women how many men have they slept with. While I find this extremely fascinating I was stirred to anger when I heard a fact that seems to be so backwards that I just can’t comprehend the basis behind it, and I’m hoping that someone can explain it to me. So while discussing the topic of how many men these women have slept with, a few made the comment “Oh I don’t want a man who hasn’t slept with anyone, he needs some experience or something is wrong with him. I mean who wants to be his first one…” Whoa!!! Hold the phone! So if a man decided that he wants to keep himself for a wife that’s a negative thing in today’s world? And also in the past are you telling me you never had a first time? You just were already getting some before you were born or something? Everyone has a first time and what if that one guy you decided to sleep with was like “I’m sorry [insert random name here] you need more experience before I can get down with you.” One lady said “I can’t be with a guy who has zero he has to at least have some experience.” Ok so if I was talking to you and wanted to take the relationship to the next level I would have to say “Hold on I don’t have any experience in bed let me bang this random girl over here so I know what i’m doing.” For some reason I don’t think too many girls would be cool with that. So apparently I was born in the wrong time wrong place or something because me personally there are too many diseases and such to pass around out there to simply couple up with everyone. Not only that what’s wrong with holding sex for if not your wife, someone you plan to spend your life or truly love? Not some spring fling you met at the club just because he buys you a drink you decide to knock some boots. But later in the show some ladies comment: “oh its ok to have a past sexual history as long as you either keep it secret or you know it’s a lower number than 10.” But apparently they want their man to forget about all the past ones but hell no they can’t forgive a man for having ZERO!! I just don’t understand the thinking behind all this I mean sure I could have gone out and gotten some from my past girlfriends but I had more respect for them than that. So since I don’t have any experience in the sack they think I won’t be as fun or what? That’s what I want to know ladies why are men who go out and bed the whole town ok, but the brother who doesn’t get any because he chooses to wait for that one special someone to share a bed with, nope he’s a looser. I know not everyone thinks like this but if you are a girl and you think having zero people you have slept with is a negative for a guy, can you please tell me why? I’m not knocking what your doing but man I'm just curious to know why.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Can't We All Just Get Along?
You know I just don’t understand some people. I mean if I’m not a big guy, I’m not going to insult the biggest guy at work. This thin and I mean thin guy was a little upset because we got a late start at work. So when on of the other guys came over to get some gas in his vehicle and was talking to me, the thin guy decided to insult the big guy and I guess he was thinking the big guy wouldn’t hear it!. So it went down something like this:
Me: “Yeah so you had to turn around hunh? How did you miss the exit?”
Big Guy: “I looked up and you all were gone so I kept going (gets out of car walks past
thin guy) and someone wouldn’t let me over…..
Thin Guy: (leaving gas pump walking past) “You’re up B****”
Big Guy: “and I had to squeeze in and….. wait um what did you say?
Thin Guy: “Ummmm I said …… you’re up B****…. Uh”
Big Guy: “That’s what I thought you said…”
Ok so right about now I’m praying that we don’t have to call 911 and tell them to bring a body bag for the thin guy because man big guy was mad! But he let it slide this time.
Big Guy: “Ok I’m going to let that go but don’t call me no B****. No one calls me that
And I don’t play like that.”
So later I found out Thin Guy apologized and all is peaceful for now but still, what the hell was he thinking? I never call anyone out their name especially a B**** because you don’t know, even if the guy wasn’t big he still could have been like a 3rd degree black belt or something. Oh well the way things are going we are all going to end up in sensitivity training. We have already had a drivers training refresher course….. that was bad enough.
Me: “Yeah so you had to turn around hunh? How did you miss the exit?”
Big Guy: “I looked up and you all were gone so I kept going (gets out of car walks past
thin guy) and someone wouldn’t let me over…..
Thin Guy: (leaving gas pump walking past) “You’re up B****”
Big Guy: “and I had to squeeze in and….. wait um what did you say?
Thin Guy: “Ummmm I said …… you’re up B****…. Uh”
Big Guy: “That’s what I thought you said…”
Ok so right about now I’m praying that we don’t have to call 911 and tell them to bring a body bag for the thin guy because man big guy was mad! But he let it slide this time.
Big Guy: “Ok I’m going to let that go but don’t call me no B****. No one calls me that
And I don’t play like that.”
So later I found out Thin Guy apologized and all is peaceful for now but still, what the hell was he thinking? I never call anyone out their name especially a B**** because you don’t know, even if the guy wasn’t big he still could have been like a 3rd degree black belt or something. Oh well the way things are going we are all going to end up in sensitivity training. We have already had a drivers training refresher course….. that was bad enough.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Get Out There and Grab Some Gears!!
Nothing like the feeling of grabbing a stick shift vehicle and rowing some gears!! To me nothing says driving like driving a stick shift. Mad at the stupid driver in the other lane? Mash in the clutch down shift like a mad man drop the clutch and floor it instant acceleration, not all slow like an auto downshifting plus it just looks cool. Its also a theft deterrent since not many people can drive sticks cause there just are not that many in the US these days. I got to drive a stick at work the other day and man I had a blast I wish my mustang was done so I could shift some in that. Nothing like listening to the engine slow you down coming around a long sweeping turn in the country side AHHHHHHHH… that was one of the best days I had at work. Yeah I know its weird but driving can be relaxing with the right vehicle on the right type of day. You know windows down music cranked sun beaming down in the blue sky and its warm out but not too hot and your just out on the open road with not much traffic ah man those are the best.
Unfortunately I was sucked back to reality when I got back and had to go sit in physics class! Ugh what a horrible way to end a great day than 3 hours of listening to stuff I really don’t like. I mean I got A’s in high school in physics but this guy just has me with a big question mark over my head. Well since we switched chapters I understand what we are doing a little better now so it’s at least getting more interesting but still I’m like euuuuuuuw.
My father has to have surgery too he says he doesn’t want to but he has a huge hernia and he needs to get it taken care of. So ill have to take some more time off work but they are pretty easy when it comes to stuff like that so I don’t think Ill have to worry too much about taking the time off. Well at least ill make some cash next week while at the women’s conference. No not like that ….. Get your mind out of the gutter.
Unfortunately I was sucked back to reality when I got back and had to go sit in physics class! Ugh what a horrible way to end a great day than 3 hours of listening to stuff I really don’t like. I mean I got A’s in high school in physics but this guy just has me with a big question mark over my head. Well since we switched chapters I understand what we are doing a little better now so it’s at least getting more interesting but still I’m like euuuuuuuw.
My father has to have surgery too he says he doesn’t want to but he has a huge hernia and he needs to get it taken care of. So ill have to take some more time off work but they are pretty easy when it comes to stuff like that so I don’t think Ill have to worry too much about taking the time off. Well at least ill make some cash next week while at the women’s conference. No not like that ….. Get your mind out of the gutter.
Monday, October 02, 2006
A Poem About Me...
I walk alone slowly down the street
As I walk I look down at my feet
Treading on the path that ancestors laid down
My heart heavy I can feel it pound.
It’s like walking up a fast moving river
Water so cold that that it makes me shiver
I long for a warm hand to hold
Some one caress and protect from the cold
But from those I meet I only encounter bitterness and strife
Some that even want to snuff out my life
The time of day they won’t even pay me
But when trouble rolls around and things get hard over to me they try to flee
What happened to when I held out my hand offering support?
But you tuned you back with a snort!
Or when I reached out to give you a hand
But you step on me and leave me face down in the sand.
Now look your gasping for air
And screaming as I walk past that it’s not fair.
I would have given you my all to have and hold
I even offered as much as my soul.
But it’s not good enough for most out there
So I watch as you drown as I continue walking on air.
One day way up in the sky
I will look down and spot with my eye.
Someone who walks the same path as me
One that won’t mind when I be who I be.
One who will let me hold their hand
And together leave footprints in the sand.
One of my friends asked me to write a poem describing me so I made this up in a few minutes not the greatest I haven’t written poetry in a long time. I’m still on the search though any takers? Lol. J/k. Thanks Jez for the inspiration.
I walk alone slowly down the street
As I walk I look down at my feet
Treading on the path that ancestors laid down
My heart heavy I can feel it pound.
It’s like walking up a fast moving river
Water so cold that that it makes me shiver
I long for a warm hand to hold
Some one caress and protect from the cold
But from those I meet I only encounter bitterness and strife
Some that even want to snuff out my life
The time of day they won’t even pay me
But when trouble rolls around and things get hard over to me they try to flee
What happened to when I held out my hand offering support?
But you tuned you back with a snort!
Or when I reached out to give you a hand
But you step on me and leave me face down in the sand.
Now look your gasping for air
And screaming as I walk past that it’s not fair.
I would have given you my all to have and hold
I even offered as much as my soul.
But it’s not good enough for most out there
So I watch as you drown as I continue walking on air.
One day way up in the sky
I will look down and spot with my eye.
Someone who walks the same path as me
One that won’t mind when I be who I be.
One who will let me hold their hand
And together leave footprints in the sand.
One of my friends asked me to write a poem describing me so I made this up in a few minutes not the greatest I haven’t written poetry in a long time. I’m still on the search though any takers? Lol. J/k. Thanks Jez for the inspiration.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Ugh physics...
Spent most of my day looking for tuxes for my friends wedding, it was cool hanging out with him again had lots of laughs. Ugh physics tomorrow well at least ill get to come home for a while before I have to go to class since there is a 4 hour gap between work and class on Mondays. I wouldn’t have the huge gap if the truck hadn’t broken at work so now it’s back to the other building while they try to find out what is wrong. This past week I been kind of sick and that was actually not that bad since I had a lot of time to think. I went over a lot of things in my head (what else can you do when your super sick) and I been able to really realize a lot of stuff …. Heh i'm going to keep it off of here though. I made a plan for the next year and hopefully I can pull it off with the new budget I got planned out. Even if things don’t turn out like I am hoping at least I can still go on vacation somewhere next year and have some fun and possibly finish my hotrod and pick up a old shop for me to fix up and start turning into a loft for me (well that’s my contingency plan for if things are going like I think they are which is not good) to live in later. Wish me luck.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Wedding Time Complete
Wedding time complete!! Well I kind of was late and since I was like only 70 miles away working on a fresh water pump for my parents. You just don’t know how frustrated I was when I had to drop it to try to get back in time. I’m like the one bomb squad guy with 10 seconds on the timer left and I’m saying “only 30 more seconds and I got it. I ended up being kind of late and I had to sneak in and sit in the back …. Mission failed!! Unfortunately it is a small church and when I went to walk in apparently the isle is like RIGHT there so I was in the middle of the wedding shot from the video camera looking around. Then when I sat down what happens I forgot to turn off my phone so the O’jays “For the Love of Money” will be heard on their wedding videos. Hmmm not good. But some of the attention was taken off of me when my cousin who is one of the groomsmen fainted. I thought something worse had happened but turns out luckily he was only too hot. I managed to get there before too far in the ceremony thanks to my rebuild engine in my jeep! Wow i'm so glad to have wheels again now I can go where ever I want and finally come home from school quickly, you just don’t know how much I cant wait to go home after a long 3 hour class or 4 hours if its physics day.
Don’t you hate it when you get clothes out of the dry cleaners and you look down after eating and it’s something on it? Man so now my favorite shirt has to go back into the cleaners for anther go around. But good news I got the rest of my crap back so I can look sharp for when I go to the women’s conference. I might be to shy to talk but I’m not to shy to look good while doing it.
Don’t you hate it when you get clothes out of the dry cleaners and you look down after eating and it’s something on it? Man so now my favorite shirt has to go back into the cleaners for anther go around. But good news I got the rest of my crap back so I can look sharp for when I go to the women’s conference. I might be to shy to talk but I’m not to shy to look good while doing it.
Wedding time?
Wedding Time?
Wow looks like everyone is getting married or something. My cousin is getting married tomorrow and one of my oldest friends is jumping the broom next year but we are going to pick tuxes on Sunday. Man seems like time is flying by I guess that one of my favorite sayings “time waits for no man” is definitely true. I even went to one of my cousin’s web page and he’s talking about finding a special someone. I keep getting asked when i'm going to walk down the isle but my reply is “Hey are you paying for it?” Weddings are expensive and I’m sorry I still have too many things I want to do before I get hitched because when I get married I want to be able to pay complete attention to my lady. Hey but first you got to find one and so far the outlook is pretty grim in this city. Not many women are into pick nicks walks and just driving somewhere and relaxing. One girl even told me one time she was tired of receiving roses…. Wow. Sorry i’m a chronic flower and gift giver (just won’t be big gifts any more) it’s in my nature. Even girls i’m just friends with usually get some kind of flower on Valentines Day just unfortunately that’s not many lol. Guess i’m am a pretty rare specimen I can be super tough but flip a switch and get as soft as I need to be. Guess this good guy stuff isn’t so bad after all.
Wow looks like everyone is getting married or something. My cousin is getting married tomorrow and one of my oldest friends is jumping the broom next year but we are going to pick tuxes on Sunday. Man seems like time is flying by I guess that one of my favorite sayings “time waits for no man” is definitely true. I even went to one of my cousin’s web page and he’s talking about finding a special someone. I keep getting asked when i'm going to walk down the isle but my reply is “Hey are you paying for it?” Weddings are expensive and I’m sorry I still have too many things I want to do before I get hitched because when I get married I want to be able to pay complete attention to my lady. Hey but first you got to find one and so far the outlook is pretty grim in this city. Not many women are into pick nicks walks and just driving somewhere and relaxing. One girl even told me one time she was tired of receiving roses…. Wow. Sorry i’m a chronic flower and gift giver (just won’t be big gifts any more) it’s in my nature. Even girls i’m just friends with usually get some kind of flower on Valentines Day just unfortunately that’s not many lol. Guess i’m am a pretty rare specimen I can be super tough but flip a switch and get as soft as I need to be. Guess this good guy stuff isn’t so bad after all.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
" Dude you always catch the wrong episodes..."
Ok ok ok yeah I need to not be so hard on shows but as I'm laying in insomnia last night I get to catch a episode of Sex and the City and susposedly it is susposed to be good. Well it seems I always catch the messed up episodes. For instance I like vampire stories so I decided to catch an episode of Buffy. Turns out its the one episode where she gets bitten by Angel..... Well what kind of slayer is that??? So I never watched it again. There's a few other shows I watched like that Will and Grace , Friends, ... ect. Well anyway I got a thing about watching people who cheat I don't know it just sets me off. Its not that they cheated .... Ok well I guess it was but it just seems all wrong when it happens and it just pisses me off that things like this happen in real life. Ok so I don't know the characters but apparently the skinny long blond haired lady has this "wonderful" boyfriend. So wonderful she has a one night stand with a married man and apparently its so great she's having flashbacks and longing for this guy instead of her "wonderful" boyfriend. Ok so that right there off the back pissed me off. What the hell were you doing with someone else if you have a "wonderful" boyfriend?? Ok so it gets worse .... Then her boyfriend goes out of town so she goes about working around the house to forget the other man but wait she calls him!!!! Failure!!! So by now I'm like growling and muttering stuff about the show but I gotta keep watching how much more scandalous can it get? Apparently a lot more. Well she ends up sleeping with him again and again and in her boyfriend's and her bed and she even has separate sheets she called the "sex sheets" and the other guy says he can even smell her boyfriend on the sheets. Ok so I'm like wow what a %&#^ but I keep watching cause by now I'm shaking my head. So her boyfriend comes home and she gives him a big hug and calmly states that she hopes her boyfriend cant smell the smell of the other guy. WOW.... So she goes on to regret what she did but she doesn't tell the guy he's totally in the blue about the whole thing and meanwhile she's still dreaming of the other guy not the "wonderful" boyfriend. Well in the end she claims to break it off with the extra guy and comes back to her boyfriends apartment after she thinks she loses his dog and he hugs her and says " I can smell it you have been cheating haven't you?" she has a horrified look on her face and just when you think she's going to do the right thing he says "you have been smoking haven't you? Are you smoking again?" Does she come clean? NOOOOOOOOOOO ... She instead says yeah I'm back smoking and gives him a hug episode over. At this time all I can say is horrible things about the lady. Cause she found someone she liked better? Nah only cause instead of sneaking around and sleeping with others why not just tell your boyfriend that you want to see other people or tell him its not serious in the first place. I know if someone did this to me I would be upset but I would have to give the girl brownie points for not sneaking around behind my back sleeping with the whole town!! Don't waste other peoples time if your not going to be faithful say something and move on trust me it will save us guys a lot of time an trouble especially if we get suspicious it saves us gray hair!!! Guys same thing tell the girl " hey its been a blast but you know I'm just not in to it right now lets see other people" well not in those words but let them know up front before you go stick your flag in someone and claim them in the name of Spain. It might be painful but it will be worse if the person finds out you been playing in someone else's sand box. I know I'm taking it waaaaaay too seriously and some are probably saying hey I'm sure you have done that too. Nope I can proudly say no I haven't and I know for a fact that my conscience would hang me. I don't know how people deal with it but man for some reason it just bugs the hell out of me..... Maybe I'm paranoid? Nah just an avid TV watcher who jumps too far into the story. But hey I guess that makes it good TV right?
Ok ok ok yeah I need to not be so hard on shows but as I'm laying in insomnia last night I get to catch a episode of Sex and the City and susposedly it is susposed to be good. Well it seems I always catch the messed up episodes. For instance I like vampire stories so I decided to catch an episode of Buffy. Turns out its the one episode where she gets bitten by Angel..... Well what kind of slayer is that??? So I never watched it again. There's a few other shows I watched like that Will and Grace , Friends, ... ect. Well anyway I got a thing about watching people who cheat I don't know it just sets me off. Its not that they cheated .... Ok well I guess it was but it just seems all wrong when it happens and it just pisses me off that things like this happen in real life. Ok so I don't know the characters but apparently the skinny long blond haired lady has this "wonderful" boyfriend. So wonderful she has a one night stand with a married man and apparently its so great she's having flashbacks and longing for this guy instead of her "wonderful" boyfriend. Ok so that right there off the back pissed me off. What the hell were you doing with someone else if you have a "wonderful" boyfriend?? Ok so it gets worse .... Then her boyfriend goes out of town so she goes about working around the house to forget the other man but wait she calls him!!!! Failure!!! So by now I'm like growling and muttering stuff about the show but I gotta keep watching how much more scandalous can it get? Apparently a lot more. Well she ends up sleeping with him again and again and in her boyfriend's and her bed and she even has separate sheets she called the "sex sheets" and the other guy says he can even smell her boyfriend on the sheets. Ok so I'm like wow what a %&#^ but I keep watching cause by now I'm shaking my head. So her boyfriend comes home and she gives him a big hug and calmly states that she hopes her boyfriend cant smell the smell of the other guy. WOW.... So she goes on to regret what she did but she doesn't tell the guy he's totally in the blue about the whole thing and meanwhile she's still dreaming of the other guy not the "wonderful" boyfriend. Well in the end she claims to break it off with the extra guy and comes back to her boyfriends apartment after she thinks she loses his dog and he hugs her and says " I can smell it you have been cheating haven't you?" she has a horrified look on her face and just when you think she's going to do the right thing he says "you have been smoking haven't you? Are you smoking again?" Does she come clean? NOOOOOOOOOOO ... She instead says yeah I'm back smoking and gives him a hug episode over. At this time all I can say is horrible things about the lady. Cause she found someone she liked better? Nah only cause instead of sneaking around and sleeping with others why not just tell your boyfriend that you want to see other people or tell him its not serious in the first place. I know if someone did this to me I would be upset but I would have to give the girl brownie points for not sneaking around behind my back sleeping with the whole town!! Don't waste other peoples time if your not going to be faithful say something and move on trust me it will save us guys a lot of time an trouble especially if we get suspicious it saves us gray hair!!! Guys same thing tell the girl " hey its been a blast but you know I'm just not in to it right now lets see other people" well not in those words but let them know up front before you go stick your flag in someone and claim them in the name of Spain. It might be painful but it will be worse if the person finds out you been playing in someone else's sand box. I know I'm taking it waaaaaay too seriously and some are probably saying hey I'm sure you have done that too. Nope I can proudly say no I haven't and I know for a fact that my conscience would hang me. I don't know how people deal with it but man for some reason it just bugs the hell out of me..... Maybe I'm paranoid? Nah just an avid TV watcher who jumps too far into the story. But hey I guess that makes it good TV right?
Monday, September 25, 2006
Ah I'm alive again...
that's the one bad thing about me I might not get sick often but when I do it takes to to the depths of despair and leaves me there then magically I feel so much better the next day. I had a monster temp and couldn't walk cause it was a head cold and I didn't get my physics work done because it slept almost all day Sunday. Well I hope he will let me turn it in on Wednesday if not ill just have to deal with it and do something else to make it up. I'm just glad today isn't a lab lab day you can only miss 3 and I have missed 2 already I'm going to need that extra one when I go to help my aunt ant the United Conference of Women. No I'm not going to oogle the girls or anything but I go to help unload the truck and such. Its kind sad when my idea of a vacation is going somewhere to work LOL. Next year planning a Montana trip one of my good friends from my old job suggests I drive which I might do but ill have to build a car to do that. If I'm going to drive ill grab that convertible mustang from my neighbors garage he wants to get rid of and fix that up using the millions of parts in my basement. Will be a fun trip he pointed out some good places to stop and some stuff to check out. If I don't drive ill fly and of course that will be quicker but I'm not exactly a flying fan. But anyway glad to get some time off soon next month and that Montana trip hopefully in July. I would be enjoying my time off today if I wasn't typing on my keyboard from bed and my hair looks like someone stuck my finger in a socket.
that's the one bad thing about me I might not get sick often but when I do it takes to to the depths of despair and leaves me there then magically I feel so much better the next day. I had a monster temp and couldn't walk cause it was a head cold and I didn't get my physics work done because it slept almost all day Sunday. Well I hope he will let me turn it in on Wednesday if not ill just have to deal with it and do something else to make it up. I'm just glad today isn't a lab lab day you can only miss 3 and I have missed 2 already I'm going to need that extra one when I go to help my aunt ant the United Conference of Women. No I'm not going to oogle the girls or anything but I go to help unload the truck and such. Its kind sad when my idea of a vacation is going somewhere to work LOL. Next year planning a Montana trip one of my good friends from my old job suggests I drive which I might do but ill have to build a car to do that. If I'm going to drive ill grab that convertible mustang from my neighbors garage he wants to get rid of and fix that up using the millions of parts in my basement. Will be a fun trip he pointed out some good places to stop and some stuff to check out. If I don't drive ill fly and of course that will be quicker but I'm not exactly a flying fan. But anyway glad to get some time off soon next month and that Montana trip hopefully in July. I would be enjoying my time off today if I wasn't typing on my keyboard from bed and my hair looks like someone stuck my finger in a socket.
Ah I'm alive again...
that's the one bad thing about me I might not get sick often but when I do it takes to to the depths of despair and leaves me there then magically I feel so much better the next day. I had a monster temp and couldn't walk cause it was a head cold and I didn't get my physics work done because it slept almost all day Sunday. Well I hope he will let me turn it in on Wednesday if not ill just have to deal with it and do something else to make it up. I'm just glad today isn't a lab lab day you can only miss 3 and I have missed 2 already I'm going to need that extra one when I go to help my aunt ant the United Conference of Women. No I'm not going to oogle the girls or anything but I go to help unload the truck and such. Its kind sad when my idea of a vacation is going somewhere to work LOL. Next year planning a Montana trip one of my good friends from my old job suggests I drive which I might do but ill have to build a car to do that. If I'm going to drive ill grab that convertible mustang from my neighbors garage he wants to get rid of and fix that up using the millions of parts in my basement. Will be a fun trip he pointed out some good places to stop and some stuff to check out. If I don't drive ill fly and of course that will be quicker but I'm not exactly a flying fan. But anyway glad to get some time off soon next month and that Montana trip hopefully in July. I would be enjoying my time off today if I wasn't typing on my keyboard from bed and my hair looks like someone stuck my finger in a socket.
that's the one bad thing about me I might not get sick often but when I do it takes to to the depths of despair and leaves me there then magically I feel so much better the next day. I had a monster temp and couldn't walk cause it was a head cold and I didn't get my physics work done because it slept almost all day Sunday. Well I hope he will let me turn it in on Wednesday if not ill just have to deal with it and do something else to make it up. I'm just glad today isn't a lab lab day you can only miss 3 and I have missed 2 already I'm going to need that extra one when I go to help my aunt ant the United Conference of Women. No I'm not going to oogle the girls or anything but I go to help unload the truck and such. Its kind sad when my idea of a vacation is going somewhere to work LOL. Next year planning a Montana trip one of my good friends from my old job suggests I drive which I might do but ill have to build a car to do that. If I'm going to drive ill grab that convertible mustang from my neighbors garage he wants to get rid of and fix that up using the millions of parts in my basement. Will be a fun trip he pointed out some good places to stop and some stuff to check out. If I don't drive ill fly and of course that will be quicker but I'm not exactly a flying fan. But anyway glad to get some time off soon next month and that Montana trip hopefully in July. I would be enjoying my time off today if I wasn't typing on my keyboard from bed and my hair looks like someone stuck my finger in a socket.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
What in the world?
Yup I have no idea. From strange convos about pleasing women to people asking me when I'm going to get married .... Yeah its been a strange week. I haven't been feeling well ..... Shoot I forgot to take my antibiotic .... oh well anyway its like i sat up this morning and woke up on another planet. Seems like I've been sleep for ages or something feels weird. Well anyway I was talking with some friends about the usual stuff and some how it always gets on girls and how sometimes it just seems like all the girls don't want the nice guys who want to take care of them. Yeah I know everyone has said it before that nice guys finish last and I had that mindset for quite some time but after talking to some people my opinion has changed. At work for instance I'm always saying hello to people I'm always polite so technically I'm a nice guy at work. Most people like to hang out with me although I'm not the most hypest person to hang out with (unless I'm sleepy or want to have a really good time that's another story) but I make people laugh and listen when they want to talk and some time offer advice which I of course tell them hey its just my advise I'm not a professional. But usually people don't mind hanging around with me and that's fine with me so I guess score one for the good guys. But as I sit here and I look at myself I see that usually that's what makes me happy. Talking to a girl making them smile giving them a hug when their sad it may seem sappy but you gotta admit that cool. And hanging out with the fellas cracking jokes watching the girls have a good time. Its not so bad being a good guy and perhaps the reason that we don't usually get the girl is that its in our nature to make people happy and that's it. Most women I find don't take the time to hang around with the good guys to break through that wrapper and find the wild man underneath. Most write the good guys off as soft or wimpy but speaking for myself I'm one of the most hard core nice guys you will find. I used to street race I've done 150mph plus on many occasions and I'm willing to try lots of different things and go different places I have a truly wild side that I keep in check but thing is you would have to get to know me to see that side of me. So ladies next time you see that shy guy in the corner and he looks kind of shy go over and check him out who knows he may be the good guy that's oh so bad! So to all the nice guys keep your head up out there and keep doing what your doing there's honor in going out like a true man one with honor and known for being one who's got everyone's back when that need it. *insert hero's walk here*
Actual piece of a convo:
"Wow the girl who catches you will get a really good guy..." - guy from work
"They gotta tame me first and that could be hard to do i bite.... He he he"- me
Yup I have no idea. From strange convos about pleasing women to people asking me when I'm going to get married .... Yeah its been a strange week. I haven't been feeling well ..... Shoot I forgot to take my antibiotic .... oh well anyway its like i sat up this morning and woke up on another planet. Seems like I've been sleep for ages or something feels weird. Well anyway I was talking with some friends about the usual stuff and some how it always gets on girls and how sometimes it just seems like all the girls don't want the nice guys who want to take care of them. Yeah I know everyone has said it before that nice guys finish last and I had that mindset for quite some time but after talking to some people my opinion has changed. At work for instance I'm always saying hello to people I'm always polite so technically I'm a nice guy at work. Most people like to hang out with me although I'm not the most hypest person to hang out with (unless I'm sleepy or want to have a really good time that's another story) but I make people laugh and listen when they want to talk and some time offer advice which I of course tell them hey its just my advise I'm not a professional. But usually people don't mind hanging around with me and that's fine with me so I guess score one for the good guys. But as I sit here and I look at myself I see that usually that's what makes me happy. Talking to a girl making them smile giving them a hug when their sad it may seem sappy but you gotta admit that cool. And hanging out with the fellas cracking jokes watching the girls have a good time. Its not so bad being a good guy and perhaps the reason that we don't usually get the girl is that its in our nature to make people happy and that's it. Most women I find don't take the time to hang around with the good guys to break through that wrapper and find the wild man underneath. Most write the good guys off as soft or wimpy but speaking for myself I'm one of the most hard core nice guys you will find. I used to street race I've done 150mph plus on many occasions and I'm willing to try lots of different things and go different places I have a truly wild side that I keep in check but thing is you would have to get to know me to see that side of me. So ladies next time you see that shy guy in the corner and he looks kind of shy go over and check him out who knows he may be the good guy that's oh so bad! So to all the nice guys keep your head up out there and keep doing what your doing there's honor in going out like a true man one with honor and known for being one who's got everyone's back when that need it. *insert hero's walk here*
Actual piece of a convo:
"Wow the girl who catches you will get a really good guy..." - guy from work
"They gotta tame me first and that could be hard to do i bite.... He he he"- me
Friday, September 22, 2006
Ouch!!!! Holy crap I upped my weight on my weightlifting schedule and boy do I feel it!! My genetics are not built for me to be a huge guy but I am gaining strength and more definition shoot I'm even loosing weight! Man I tell you what though walk 5 miles in a hour if you want buns of steel cause man I hurt still when I sit down. I have to pick up a back brace cause of my catastrophic injury a while back my back is still weak and I need to build the muscles around my spine and lower back so I been working on that. But man this hurts but it hurts good *RAWR*. I think I might up my schedule so I can work out more but its definitely showing looks like i might be in shape for Venice beach after all. *flex* *flex* Time to pass out tickets to the "Gun Show" LOL j/k.
Ouch!!!! Holy crap I upped my weight on my weightlifting schedule and boy do I feel it!! My genetics are not built for me to be a huge guy but I am gaining strength and more definition shoot I'm even loosing weight! Man I tell you what though walk 5 miles in a hour if you want buns of steel cause man I hurt still when I sit down. I have to pick up a back brace cause of my catastrophic injury a while back my back is still weak and I need to build the muscles around my spine and lower back so I been working on that. But man this hurts but it hurts good *RAWR*. I think I might up my schedule so I can work out more but its definitely showing looks like i might be in shape for Venice beach after all. *flex* *flex* Time to pass out tickets to the "Gun Show" LOL j/k.
Sad songs and more.....
Man I got this song stuck in my head and I cant remember what the name of it is!! Its been driving me crazy and all I can do is hum the beat! I don't know who sings it I don't know the words I don't know what CD it is ah oh well. Ill just wait until it comes on the radio once every 4 days like it does. I been listening to to much sad music that combined with being super bored lately just make me sleepy. The other day I was sleep in the hallway at school and someone poked me to see if I was alive. Usually I bite people when I'm poked by strangers but I guess I did look kind of dead sitting in the hallway. Speaking of which I need to go buy my physics book so I can do my homework. Man I'm just not up to it I miss my friend I talk to on line all the time now I'm just bored at night. Oh well time for bed ..MMMMMMMMMMMMM!! (viewtiful joe joke)
Man I got this song stuck in my head and I cant remember what the name of it is!! Its been driving me crazy and all I can do is hum the beat! I don't know who sings it I don't know the words I don't know what CD it is ah oh well. Ill just wait until it comes on the radio once every 4 days like it does. I been listening to to much sad music that combined with being super bored lately just make me sleepy. The other day I was sleep in the hallway at school and someone poked me to see if I was alive. Usually I bite people when I'm poked by strangers but I guess I did look kind of dead sitting in the hallway. Speaking of which I need to go buy my physics book so I can do my homework. Man I'm just not up to it I miss my friend I talk to on line all the time now I'm just bored at night. Oh well time for bed ..MMMMMMMMMMMMM!! (viewtiful joe joke)
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Ever had that.....
Ever had the feeling your either missing some thing or something is wrong? I can't nail it down but I got the sinking feeling that something is going on that I don't know about. It weird cause usually I'm right when I think that just the problem now is I have to figure out what. Looks like I got a mystery to solve. Well any way got my horrible id picture today apparently there's a delay from when the flash goes off and the thing takes the picture man ....That's bad looking. Oh well back to work tomorrow. Man.... If only I could put my finger on it .. I could sleep easier. Maybe I'm paranoid?
Ever had the feeling your either missing some thing or something is wrong? I can't nail it down but I got the sinking feeling that something is going on that I don't know about. It weird cause usually I'm right when I think that just the problem now is I have to figure out what. Looks like I got a mystery to solve. Well any way got my horrible id picture today apparently there's a delay from when the flash goes off and the thing takes the picture man ....That's bad looking. Oh well back to work tomorrow. Man.... If only I could put my finger on it .. I could sleep easier. Maybe I'm paranoid?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Home Again Home Again.....
Well got sent home from work today cause there is a lack of work to do. Man not what I had in mind at all I really need the cash especially since my engine is being rebuilt in my jeep. But anyway I finally got to go to all my classes and I still need a physics book but it seems like its going to be a good class. Well at least some good news this week a good friend of mine found out that her Grandmother might be ok after all. Cancer is nothing good at all I have lost many cousin and aunts and uncles to it and even had a scare with my own mother so I'm glad to hear things are looking better but they are not out of the water yet. I will be praying for you all and my church will too. Well at least I get to take a nap and do some work before school maybe even play a little wow. Bah who am I kidding, I'll spend probably most of my time talking to her that's he highlight of most of my days anyway. :)
Well got sent home from work today cause there is a lack of work to do. Man not what I had in mind at all I really need the cash especially since my engine is being rebuilt in my jeep. But anyway I finally got to go to all my classes and I still need a physics book but it seems like its going to be a good class. Well at least some good news this week a good friend of mine found out that her Grandmother might be ok after all. Cancer is nothing good at all I have lost many cousin and aunts and uncles to it and even had a scare with my own mother so I'm glad to hear things are looking better but they are not out of the water yet. I will be praying for you all and my church will too. Well at least I get to take a nap and do some work before school maybe even play a little wow. Bah who am I kidding, I'll spend probably most of my time talking to her that's he highlight of most of my days anyway. :)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Catch Up!!
Tomorrow will be my first day of physics class. Why my first day even though schools been in a week and a half? Cause its been a rocky start for my school year. With me not getting financial aid I have to pay for every thing so I still don't have books and stuff like that but Monday ill get my physics book. I'm hoping I wont have to play catch up too much I know I missed 2 labs already but I think that wont hurt me too much I'm just hoping I can stay on the deans list this will be my 3rd year in a row YAY!! Engine rebuild tomorrow for my jeep and I need an exhaust and some tires gotta get that before winter. A lift kit would look good on it too hey if I gotta keep it forever then I might as well make it sweet.
Tomorrow will be my first day of physics class. Why my first day even though schools been in a week and a half? Cause its been a rocky start for my school year. With me not getting financial aid I have to pay for every thing so I still don't have books and stuff like that but Monday ill get my physics book. I'm hoping I wont have to play catch up too much I know I missed 2 labs already but I think that wont hurt me too much I'm just hoping I can stay on the deans list this will be my 3rd year in a row YAY!! Engine rebuild tomorrow for my jeep and I need an exhaust and some tires gotta get that before winter. A lift kit would look good on it too hey if I gotta keep it forever then I might as well make it sweet.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
The Strong Silent Type?
Man ever wish you could just say what ever you wanted? Boy I wish I could but I suffer from chronic shyness! Ever have friend that likes someone but just can't say anything? Yep that's me. Now don't get me wrong I'm pretty brave having been though some trying stuff, guns pulled on me guns put to my head, angry gold fish all that kind odd stuff. But dog gone it when it comes to telling someone especially a girl anything besides small talk man I'm as cold as a clam. So meanwhile while I'm trying to say what I want I got my conscience asking me questions like ... Ok tom your going to go for it but what if she gets offended ? Hey I wouldn't say that don't you think that's being a little bit forward? So I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm second guessing myself like 90% of the time although it does keep me from saying the wrong things or looking like a womanizer, it doesn't look that cool when your sweating bullets just to say you want to go on a date or you want to see if things could go further. Yep not cool at all .... But hey I got a reputation to maintain so gotta be tough on everything else..... Just keep this under your hat.
Man ever wish you could just say what ever you wanted? Boy I wish I could but I suffer from chronic shyness! Ever have friend that likes someone but just can't say anything? Yep that's me. Now don't get me wrong I'm pretty brave having been though some trying stuff, guns pulled on me guns put to my head, angry gold fish all that kind odd stuff. But dog gone it when it comes to telling someone especially a girl anything besides small talk man I'm as cold as a clam. So meanwhile while I'm trying to say what I want I got my conscience asking me questions like ... Ok tom your going to go for it but what if she gets offended ? Hey I wouldn't say that don't you think that's being a little bit forward? So I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm second guessing myself like 90% of the time although it does keep me from saying the wrong things or looking like a womanizer, it doesn't look that cool when your sweating bullets just to say you want to go on a date or you want to see if things could go further. Yep not cool at all .... But hey I got a reputation to maintain so gotta be tough on everything else..... Just keep this under your hat.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
We're Here to Pump *clap* U Up
Been working on my weight training for the past 3 weeks now I'm on a regular plan of heavy weights low reps to get my mass up and I can tell already!! I'm looking more in shape although I don't move like it cause I hurt in places I didn't know existed. But my main goal is to get off that think layer of fat I have in just the wrong places. When I had a fat test done I was 3.2% body fat but man it just must mass around my lower back muscles its like I have half a love handle LOL. I'm getting my 6 pack back and all the other cool muscles I had before I got sick and was laid out so I'm coming back together slowly. Alright Venice beach here I come!!! Who knows I might just take my shirt off...... nah maybe not.
Been working on my weight training for the past 3 weeks now I'm on a regular plan of heavy weights low reps to get my mass up and I can tell already!! I'm looking more in shape although I don't move like it cause I hurt in places I didn't know existed. But my main goal is to get off that think layer of fat I have in just the wrong places. When I had a fat test done I was 3.2% body fat but man it just must mass around my lower back muscles its like I have half a love handle LOL. I'm getting my 6 pack back and all the other cool muscles I had before I got sick and was laid out so I'm coming back together slowly. Alright Venice beach here I come!!! Who knows I might just take my shirt off...... nah maybe not.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Relax and play...
Not a bad holiday weekend got a chance to sit back and relax despite taking care of 2 dogs that I have to keep separated. Went to the Michigan renaissance festival had a good time there. Picked up a gift for a good friend it feels good to get something for someone again so had to make it something good. I just hope she likes it and it fits. Other than that lots of swords and costume planning. I got a good wooden sword (real weapons are not allowed) design floating in my head I might start work on it this weekend .... Either that or help finish my fathers car. I got a lot of work to do on that and tomorrow I have to walk to school from work because I still have no car. Well hopefully I will get a chance to take a look at a truck tomorrow if I can get out there before the dealership closes other than that I have to possibly take a day off or skip school neither of which I really want I already missed a week getting everything straightened out. Man ever wish you could just hit the lottery? I could do all the stuff I'm planning now and take it easy for a while. Whew!
Not a bad holiday weekend got a chance to sit back and relax despite taking care of 2 dogs that I have to keep separated. Went to the Michigan renaissance festival had a good time there. Picked up a gift for a good friend it feels good to get something for someone again so had to make it something good. I just hope she likes it and it fits. Other than that lots of swords and costume planning. I got a good wooden sword (real weapons are not allowed) design floating in my head I might start work on it this weekend .... Either that or help finish my fathers car. I got a lot of work to do on that and tomorrow I have to walk to school from work because I still have no car. Well hopefully I will get a chance to take a look at a truck tomorrow if I can get out there before the dealership closes other than that I have to possibly take a day off or skip school neither of which I really want I already missed a week getting everything straightened out. Man ever wish you could just hit the lottery? I could do all the stuff I'm planning now and take it easy for a while. Whew!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Skip one of those days its one of those weeks....
Ever had one of those weeks where everything starts out ok then by the end of the week you wondering just what the hell happened? Yeah pretty much that was this week. It started out good birds singing in the trees sun shining but man by the end ....Wow its like a train wreck. Well it started off good got my classes for school just happened t to get the last seat in the classes I needed to but I guess for that fortune I had to give up something. First off I break stuff at work not cheap stuff the expensive stuff.... They said its not my fault so I leave it at that. Next IM driving home and I smell the faint aroma of burning oil .... Wait burning oil!!! Well I think its not my car well I hope its not my car ..... Well when I stop I look underneath and guess what? A large puddle is forming of motor oil from the rear main seal on the engine. Awesome ill just call the shop down the street and get it fixed right? Wrong wrong!!! They don't do those kind of repairs but they refer me to another shop so I'm like cool. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT sorry Tom lets tell you what you didn't win! They don't do seals so now I'm stuck and I cant go anywhere .... Well at least my sister can give me a ride to get some food and maybe to return the videos I rented. Ah well at least I can get a ride to work with a friend bad news is I have to sleep outside until it opens cause he has to be to work 3 hours before me. Nothing like sleeping outside at 3am. So the quest for a newer car begins along with the quest to fix that one. What will turn up? Will out hero be able to get this one fixed? Will anything else go wrong?? Tune in next time for another action packed episode!!
Ever had one of those weeks where everything starts out ok then by the end of the week you wondering just what the hell happened? Yeah pretty much that was this week. It started out good birds singing in the trees sun shining but man by the end ....Wow its like a train wreck. Well it started off good got my classes for school just happened t to get the last seat in the classes I needed to but I guess for that fortune I had to give up something. First off I break stuff at work not cheap stuff the expensive stuff.... They said its not my fault so I leave it at that. Next IM driving home and I smell the faint aroma of burning oil .... Wait burning oil!!! Well I think its not my car well I hope its not my car ..... Well when I stop I look underneath and guess what? A large puddle is forming of motor oil from the rear main seal on the engine. Awesome ill just call the shop down the street and get it fixed right? Wrong wrong!!! They don't do those kind of repairs but they refer me to another shop so I'm like cool. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT sorry Tom lets tell you what you didn't win! They don't do seals so now I'm stuck and I cant go anywhere .... Well at least my sister can give me a ride to get some food and maybe to return the videos I rented. Ah well at least I can get a ride to work with a friend bad news is I have to sleep outside until it opens cause he has to be to work 3 hours before me. Nothing like sleeping outside at 3am. So the quest for a newer car begins along with the quest to fix that one. What will turn up? Will out hero be able to get this one fixed? Will anything else go wrong?? Tune in next time for another action packed episode!!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Ever had the feeling that one slip and you could mess up something? Like with girls for example. Why didn't someone make an instruction manual? Not for how to operate them but how to interact with them. Some are shy, some are loud, some are sensitive, and some are rough. But how can you tell which one is which? You know one slip and bam you could ruin possibly what may have been the one good thing that's has happened to you. And after all first impressions are the most important, but what about after that first impression? Walking on eggs is pretty tough you don't know what to say, you don't know what to do, you definitely don't want to offend the girl especially if she's a keeper. Second guessing myself is getting to be a problem ill say something then 5 mins later .... " hmmmmm that ....Just didn't sound right". Any one else have this problem? Bah maybe its just me...... hmmmmm this just doesn't sound right......
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
WoW new blog space and stuff so now i can write away! Anyway whats going on folks im Tom but some call me Alley Cat or Tomcat or just T for short. Im too lazy to write a journal and i figure someone would get a laugh out of my daily antics and my horrible luck with stuff so here we go! check back often and see what mischeif i can get into as usual.
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