Thursday, November 09, 2006


Ugh so sleepy and must go to class I would fall asleep in my car but I don't think I will wake up in time for class. I usually sleep in the hallway in the chairs outside the room but people keep thinking I'm dead asking me am I alive (no I'm not joking) so I stopped that. What better way to stay awake at school than to blog!!! Ok well I'm sure there are more entertaining things to do but what the heck I got time. Hey how about that election though? Senate and House both democrats now I was amazed they pulled it off. But the killer was Rumsfeld (SP?) resigning.... And they say it has nothing to do with how the election went .... yeah ....right.

This weekend I will be building a tribuchet for physics class for a group project. Bad news my "partners" built their own so I will be doing my project alone. So what is there to do when you have to make your own group within a group? SMASH the other people and leave them looking sad when they loose!! So it will be Tom VS. Team Physics 2 weeks from now. I just need some camouflage contact paper so I can decorate it and write "Army of One" on it when I'm competing throwing the tennis ball. I am going to enjoy this .... MUHAHAHAHAH! Wish me luck.

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