Monday, December 24, 2007
Legendary Love
Legendary Dishes
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Back Again Time For Round 3
Friday, November 09, 2007
Insert Hero's Walk Here
Shooting down projects like Dante
Monday, November 05, 2007
Battle Stations

Friday, November 02, 2007
Mentally Exhausted

Thursday, November 01, 2007
Instruments of Destruction
Friday, October 26, 2007
Smash Somethin'
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Boot Camp Aint Got Nothin On This
Well there should be a picture of the school there but unfortunately i kinda deleted them off my camera and well..... that was that. Sorry i have been gone so long but it was a crazy build up to moving to PA and going to school.
Lets start off with my lovely jeep. Right after i decided to go my drivers side door decided it wanted to leave the car. Well i didn't get to that problem at the time but i noticed my brakes were not going to be up to the task of getting me stopped on some of the what seems to be 45 degree angled hills here. So upon examining the brakes i noticed that apparently the rear brakes haven't been working in oh say since i got the car. So after staying up to 2:30 am and rebuilding everything .....EVERYTHING on the rear brakes and 4 trips to the parts store the car stopped like a champ. But now the tires decided they wanted to start getting soft and making strange vibrations. Off to the tire shop i went and $530 later i had a pretty sweet set of Yokohama Geolander tires to handle the 12" average snow fall they have here in January. After those my transmission decided it didn't want to leave first gear. I took it to a transmission shop but they could not find anything wrong with it so they wanted to take a chance on a $200 throttle position sensor. I told them i would wait on it and promptly picked it up and got the part for $40 and after 3 mins removing 2 screws it was in. Didn't solve the problem but hey it runs better but after a little practice of patting the gas at the right time it shifts good..... sorta. After those tires i needed a front wheel alignment so i had a guy at work do that for me so i set up an appointment for 3:30pm. Unfortunately my watch was some how set 1 hour ahead at the watch shop where i bought it so it ended up not getting done until 9:30 at night.
Where that might have ended the saga for the car i still went to bed at 12:30am and woke up at 2:00am to drive the 6 hours to get here. Upon packing everything in the car and setting up the GPS laptop (another blog in its self) i prepared to ventured out into the wild highways of Michigan. after getting the car warmed up taking some pictures with my folks i went to adjust my rear view mirror.... which promptly fell off. But needless to say i have arrived safely and I'm sure i will have plenty of stories to tell but those will come on another day.
For now I'm back and better than ever.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Back on the block.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Summer Time Fitness.... and Kind of Random Extra Stuff
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Summer Time.... and The Livin' Is Easy.... Who Am i KIdding?

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Not Dead Yet
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
All over the place
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Random Wed.
- As usual I sit in my car while waiting to go to class so i usually take a nap. Well it was pretty windy today so the car was rocking with the wind. I was dozing nicely when all of a sudden I hear a loud bump and my car rock harder than normal. I lean forward in my seat and raise my hat from over my eyes and look to the left and right. Apparently a young girl had let her door go and the wind smashed it into my door. Well I'm not driving the most nicest car in the world and my bumper is a little dented from where some other lady slid into the back of me, but i didn't even get an I'm sorry. Nope she slams her door looks over wit ha frightened look on her face starts the car and speeds off. Love those young drivers.
- I cant seem to get rid of the cough left over from my lung infection its to the point that its annoying and if i move around too much i cough a lot. Good side..... coughing gives you abs.
- I talked to my ex-girlfriend about our friend ship turns out she just doesn't have time when she comes back to talk or call. That's why i never know when shes here. Guess I'm the only one who can remain friends with an ex and not hate them according to the local census.
More to come later time for bed
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Only in Detroit.....

Sunday, March 25, 2007
Sick day / Random Sunday Post
- Since I'm conscious nothing like spreading a little random blog cheer in between coughing and tring to breath which feels like I'm inhaling daggers in my right lung.
- I can thank my Aunt for gift wrapping this nice viral lung infection when everyone told her to stay home i have been wiped out for 4 days not including the 4 days of feeling crappy and not knowing what was going down. Thanks again.....
- Its been wonderful warm weather here but when I went outside to go pick up my check my eyes were all messed up from being in the house so i almost toppled over so much for enjoying the weather.
- I have to go back to work tomorrow i think i will possibly have the worlds largest cup of tea with me again. Pretty much I have one of those huge 7/11 cups toss like 10 tea bags in it and add hot watter. Wait we are out of sugar .........
- You never realize how tangled your hair can get until you lay on it for 4 days. This is epic.
- My ex-gf text messaged me at 2am letting me know she finally got a sweet job out there in California congrats to her and her folks. Can i get an autograph?
Well time for more mind altering medications so that's all for now. Wish me luck at work tomorrow this is going to be awesome.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Maybe I Need To Stop Listening To The Raido
Since I'm a test driver I am in a car for 10 hours a day so i get lots of time to listen to the radio. Unfortunately cheating and stuff gets on my nerves (see blog post "Dude You Catch All The Wrong Episodes" Sept. 26, 2006) so of course the topic on the radio was who's having a relationship at work. Now call me naive but i was thinking ah who's in love with a co-worker. Apparently real topic was who's getting it on at work and is married to someone else. Needless to say i was pissed at all the people who called in. One particular lady was cheating on her husband for 10 years!!! If its been that long you might as well get a divorce and go off with that guy. I would rather that than she bring me home a present that get me a free trip to the Disease Control Center. I just don't get it, if your unhappy at home why not say something and try to talk it out? I figure that a lot of this cheating and backstabbing could have been solved with a simple conversation between the pair, or at least if its not solved they could work toward solving what ever it is whether not enough creativity in the bedroom to someones feet stink. Why not work it out instead of going and hurting your partner/ boyfriend/ husband/ whatever? Come on people of Michigan get it together! Even though I'm probably staying single i want to see some one happy. For all you people out there doing the right think keep it up I'm cheering for you.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Happy International Womans Day!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
I Feel Violated....
Me: WOW who is that??
Her: Oh that's my boyfriends back here i have a closer picture! (she speaks pretty loudly)
Me: Dang!! that's messed up what did he fall over?
Her: hunh? He didn't fall over anything.
Me: Well what did he rub against hes all cut up?
Her: (smile)
Me: Hmmmmm
Her: Look you can see fingerprint shaped bruises on this side! (points)
Me: Wait a min......
Her: (smile)
Me: Dude I feel so unclean.... (walks off)
Yeah I guess I need to get out more.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Random Monday
- I really am thinking of finding a new job i need more cash i got so many design ideas for my Mustang project i need to do something.
- My new years resolution is coming in handy I'm getting in less arguments by commenting less.
- The above resolution is darn near killing me.
- I still need to turn my taxes in to the tax man I'm just too lazy to take a trip there.
- My jeeps motor is making some strange noises i don't think its major but that means a trip back to the engine builder who i had an argument with last time i was there so I'm sure it wont be a pleasant trip back.
- I found my old journal with writings of when i was in love with my ex-gf i cant believe i wrote that stuff.
- I'm glad some of my friends who are also learning musical instruments are playing with me on Sunday who knows we just may turn the Church out!!!
- Even dogs have common sense. After the ice storm it took my dog sliding once to realize maybe he shouldn't pull on the leash so much.
- I could really use the money from the lottery jackpot its like 217 million now I'm sure i wouldn't get that much but dang it would come in handy
- Life needs to be like anime. 28 mins and some sweet special moves later your problem is usually solved, you got the girl, and you get to walk into the sunset like the man. (sigh)

Till next time when i have something better to write. Time for bed mmmmmmmmmmm!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Can I collect Unemployment for 1 Day?
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Belated V-day Blog
Well its officially past Valentines day. That means countless millions were spent on the ladies by guys hopelessly in love. Well all i gotta say is keep your money fellas. What ever happened to just being happy by spending a day together and sharing time? Now it seems diamonds, roses and Bentleys have replaced time and romance. Gotta make the lady happy? Order up a dozen roses and have em delivered to her job along with the Bentley. It all just seems so commercial to me now. I used to be that way though. One time when my ex was at school in D.C. I sent 2 dozen red long stem roses in a vase arranged by a florist and tied to the vase was 1 dozen large red i love you balloons. People at her school were all jealous i felt like the man but man my wallet was hurting after that one. I always did over the tops stuff. Diamond earrings for our anniversary, assorted jewelry for b-days and its not like i was trying to buy her love it just felt good to see a smile on her face. But to tell the truth i was making her happy but what i really wanted was to just sit with her and watch a movie or hold each other and i listen to her heart beat. It was stuff like that that made me happy when i was holding her i was in the best of moods. When we separated it was on pretty good terms. She wasn't the nicest of people toward the end but i think a lot was going on and distance drove a wedge between us. Do i regret buying the stuff? The evil side of me says hell yeah but the soft side of me which used to roam free enjoyed every bit of it. But some times you just miss the simple things. Walking hand in hand, holding each other watching a movie, Her screaming and climbing all over you at a scary movie, going out to dinner and hanging out with other couples, best of all listening to heart beats. But on ward and upward my advice though is to one time on valentines day put down the roses and Bentleys and just share some time. Who knows it just may end up being the best money you never spent.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Flash some pecs
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Birthday Adventure

Monday, January 29, 2007
Birthday wish list???
18x DVD rw drive from Neva tech (next door to micro center) 39.95
Any of the samurai 7 DVDs from best buy in Dearborn on ford road – 19.95
Oh those are in the huge collector boxes.
Need for speed carbon for the Pc – price unknown
A 120 - 250GB hard drive – price unknown I believe pretty expensive too but a Maxtor with the 16mb cashe would be nice
Copy of WOW burning crusade – price unknown
A good cute nice girl friend with cat ears- probably expensive
1 billion dollars – price …. 1 billion dollars
Broken laptop that’s possibly fixable (preferably IBM ThinkPad series t30 to T42)- Price unknown
A hug (girls only) – Price free
Evangelion platinum DVD #5 in the slip cases – 19.95 ummmm good luck
Fred Perry “Gold digger” comic books (any issue from #68 up) – price 2.65 and issue
Ford svt polo shirt XL size – village ford parts dealership price unknown
thanks to sgt sherm for some of the great ideas!!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Irritable please excuse me if i seem snappy
Saturday, January 13, 2007
The Organ Grinder

Well today I decided to start on the other part of my new years resolution which was to practice the organ and at least try to become decent. I don’t expect to become like the man in one day but you wont believe how much you suck after you stop doing something for over 10 years. I can’t remember most of my stuff from piano so im going to have to pretty much start over. Hey but I figure in about 20 years I should pe pretty good. I need a Leslie speaker for it and since it’s a model CV Hammond I need to get a percussion unit installed. Well slowly but surely I will get that done. Since I play by ear mostly and I read music slowly I need it to sound as closely to what everyone else is playing. So I guess I will always have something to do when I get home instead of napping as usual. If you think the organ bench looks a little weird, yeah it does. I had to make it out of some oak boards because it didint come with a bench and i couldn't believe that a new one is over $600. So wanting to be a fabricator anyway i drew up a design using pictures of real benches and it came out pretty good. I guess necessity is the mother of invention after all.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Possible new job!
Possible new job! Yay me!! I’m hoping that this place will pick me up not only will I be making more but I will have actual health insurance! I have just been so tired lately that I haven’t been posting. I haven’t even been playing World of Warcraft and I’m still paying for it. I just got too tired of doing the same battle ground over and over. Is it me or does it seem like every one is having a baby? Most of my female friends are either pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Am I missing something? Did I miss a memo of where I was supposed to go forth and multiply? I think one of me is enough for the world, I just don’t think the general populace could handle another me. Well back to the job. I will still be working at my current job just for gas money (lord knows with the prices these days it’s a wallet eater) and only work there 1 day a week but its not bad cause it’s a 10 hour shift. I just hope I get to drive something sweet. I will miss working at my current job though the people were nice and the work was light. Well onwards and upwards.