Went into shop today guns blazing (not literally), and feeling pretty good. My shop partner wasn't so confidant but i was i figured we would smash this out and get it over with as long as the hammer stayed in the drawer. I grabbed some tools and got to work spec ed everything out and bam she was done. With something going slightly better than Friday my shop partner was finally fired up and he was ready to get some work done. We knocked out 2 more projects leaving 1 left with 2 and 1/2 days to go. What I'm hoping to do is get in to class tomorrow knock this test out and hit the shop hard. If god willing we finish early we can start working our grade higher by doing extra credit. I worked hard today time for a nap. Wait the building is shaking guess that severe weather advisory was true after all. Oh well nothing like rain to get a better nap eh?
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