OK I was diagnosed with a major character flaw by 2 of my friends which I really appreciate it cause it gives me something to think about and reflect on. Do I have too much pride or am I too stuck up to compromise when it comes to women? My thoughts are you can compromise on looks because not everyone is a super model. You can compromise on money cause not everyone has Bill Gates cash. But the one thing you absolutely to me can not compromise on is personality and lifestyle. To me it seems that when you compromise on either personality or life style your selling your self short. Why settle for the argumentative nagging woman when you originally wanted a nice kind gentile woman. Sure sure shes got the looks you wanted, but when you come home in the evening and shes already warmed up and ready to let you have an ear full of what she thinks you did wrong, i don't think i would be too happy. Same thing goes for women too cause I'm not woman bashing. Ladies why settle for that Denzel Washington looking guy that beats you, talks down to you, and tries to belittle you at every chance he gets? Sure hes a knock out in bed and acts like a thug but is that what you really wanted? Why sell your self short and settle for just what you can get now. Is it that important to have a piece of arm candy or a warm body in bed? Cause if it is I'll buy a dog any day. My idea is when you settle for someone that its not really what you want over time there is the possibility that you could regret your decision. You could meet that special someone later on and then what..... now your stuck, you see you messed up, and end up wishing for something better. To me everyone deserves to be with someone that will make them happy and will be there for them through thick and thin. Yes there is a shortage of truly honest and caring people out there but if that is what you want don't settle for the here and now just cause its convenient or because your lonely. You deserve better than that get someone that's going to compliment and help uplift your relationship cause it takes the cooperation of both of you to make it work. Oh and I'm not hating if you want that thug don't settle go get one!
"I bow down to no man." -Riddick
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