Monday, January 07, 2008

Back to work

Well back at school and so far it hasn't been to bad. This class was promised to be the hardest of all the classes we have to take but only because we have an EPA test. Now from what i heard this test is around 200 questions and its supposed to trip you up in every way imaginable so this should be a good battle. Only bad news is that this legendary test comes right on my birthday......... great eh? What better way to spend your birthday than slaving over a 200 question test for 2 hours. No I'm being sarcastic. But in all gladness ill be one more year older i have to say i have probably matured to legendary standards where i used to want to fire back when people crack jokes about me now I'm like what ever. A guy in class was taunting me about my nonchalant attitude "Your just full of your self arn't you??" Nah not really i got nothing to prove I'm just trying to pass and pretty much don't care what others think. Remember folks people can talk about you all they want they are not not your creator. If they have jokes so what they need to get a life. Apparently they have nothing better to do than to look at others and try to pick out something they think is wrong when actually they are more than likely trying to cover us something about themselves they want no one else to notice. So next time someone had jokes or is point a finger let it roll off your should and realize not only are you bigger than them you have better things to do.

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